Fuji Blogs...

Ever since I shot the x100s by Fujifilm I knew there was something special about it... It felt great in the hand, was quick, produced amazing images & looked sexy as hell... I had a long love affair with the x100s, shooting it along side my 'pro' Nikon gear... I didn't feel shooting the Fuji for work purposes was, errrrmmm, good enough? Or maybe it didn't look 'pro' enough? But shooting the x100s just felt so right!

So one camera & one lens had me hooked... I would take the x100s everywhere... There was little the x100s couldn't do for me... Sometimes I wished I could shoot a little wider for a landscape or a little tighter for a portrait, but oh well, overall the camera suited me just perfectly but I still couldn't bring myself to switch my full frame 'pro' gear to an APSC line up... I don't think there was any one reason to be honest... I suppose I feared the slower AF & the single SD card slot that these cameras featured... I have since come to realise that any of the fears I had were not really a big deal so I decided to make the switch...

As of now I have shifted all my Nikon gear & have jumped in head first making the switch to an all Fuji line up... It feels great, I can't wait to get shooting my new gear & writing about it here... I have switch from the standard 24-70 & 70-200 combo which served me very well to an all prime set up... 

This new blog section is here for me to share my views, opinions & reviews of this equipment with an emphasis on handling & actual function... I will be doing real world testing... You will not see any sharpness graphs here & I won't be shooting any sheets of paper with bizarre patterns on them... I will however be sharing wedding, lifestyle, street & food photos so that you can see real world examples of what these cameras & lenses can produce... 

Please stay tuned for new blog posts as I have a few in the works already... The next blog post will be coming soon & will feature my current line up with some of my initial thoughts...

So whats with the cactus? Well to begin with this little cactus is called 'The Loner'... Why? Because he doesn't fit in with my cactus collection so he sits at my desk alone... He may be a loner but he does make a great test subject... He doesn't move too quickly, doesn't answer back, always knows how to hit the same pose & always produces sharp images no matter what lens I use... The Loner will be a regular here at Fuji Blogs but fear not, I will introduce you to the rest of the collection soon enough!

Thanks for reading & please stay tuned...
